I saw that you were sad today and I felt sad for you.
I saw that you were thinking hard and I thought for you.
I saw that you were having a child and I rejoiced for you.
I saw that you were in a beautiful land and I sang for you.
I saw that you were very beautiful and I yearned for you.
I saw that you were crying and I cried for you.
I say that you were smiling and I smiled for you.
I say that you were laughing and I laughed for you.
Amidst all these visions it was you that I saw.
Amidst all these joys is was you that I saw.
Amidst all these heartaches it was you that I saw.
And in the end we became one person,
with one heart and one mind and one soul.
We saw each other for who we were and who we had become.