Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Canada Chooses a New Government

OK everyone we now have a new government a new party and a new Prime Minister. For those of you who are scared of the Harper trust issue but think that there needed to be a change all I have to say is be patient and let Mr. Harper see what he can do for the next 12 months. Realistically how long can a minority government stay in place? I think it gives a kick at the can to a party that could possible surprise some people. This is not to say I am a Conservative but this is to say that there are some things the Canadian government could do better. Even the issues that Michael Moore talks about here are quite a concern for me and yet with a minority government as a start for this new Conservative leader this I believe will be a good check and balance. As depicted in this cartoon of Harper I am ready to look, scrutinize, and reflect on the actions of our new Canadian government. Does anyone have any thing to add?

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Here a Bush there a Bush everywhere a Bush Bush

The crowd shows their displeasure at the WTO ministerial conference in Hong Kong.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Liberal, Conservative, NDP…We’ll Cut All Your Taxes

I get a kick out of the elections when I hear promises for tax cuts. Every politician that ever existed must have used the “tax cut” line multiple times. About a week ago The Globe and Mail summed it up perfectly: “Paul Martin and Stephen Harper were fighting Saturday over who would cut the most taxes as the Liberal leader charged the Conservatives would actually raise taxes by scrapping personal income-tax cuts that are already in effect. NDP leader Jack Layton meanwhile, vowed to fight to keep Martin's tax cuts because they help low-income earners.”

I Just like to sit there and count how many times a week I hear those precious words. Then you have the powerful rebuttal that 66 Economists deplore tax cuts. "Sixty-six economists have signed a statement warning that the tax breaks offered by the major parties will leave a huge deficit in social services and contribute to greater inequality in Canada."

Now please don't take these articles at face value for all we know those 66 economists were paid off or just saying they were real money people. As the previous post states anyone can pull something out of the air and call it truth. Do your homework and base your choices on truth rather than a swift talking politician or witty media guy.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Vote for the Man

Who wants to vote Liberal? How about Conservative? The NDP could do the job? There are three main parties yet which one will have the job. This is honestly the toughest job interview I could possibly imagine. My words today come from what we commonly call a ‘reality check’.

While Paul Martin was recently campaigning in B.C. he was speaking with Dan Muzyka the chair of the Board of trade on the economy. (see bottom of article) There were some friendly jokes and then the fired up Dan Muzyka blasted the Liberals record on crime. Quoting Statistics Canada Muzyka said “Canada had a higher violent crime rate than the United States, and asked Martin what his government would do about it.”

Instantly this sends off buzz signals in the brain…Canada more violent than the US!? I can hardly believe that for a moment so to set the record strait the official Statistics Canada quote is found Here. Now whether I support Mr. Martin or not I would certainly like to take this opportunity to sympathize with the man and all these fired up persons that pull statistics out of their butts.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

A Crazy New Look After South East Asia

There are sometimes in life when you need to just let it all go. I met this crazy guy while traveling through South East Asia. Whoa...wait a second. Yes, I just realized that this was me just after returning home. It feels good to know that I have explored the world and seen and done things that I had previously only dreamt about. My important message to all is to follow your dreams and never hold back. And at least once (if not more) in your life let everything show and become the real uninhibited you.

Friday, January 13, 2006

The Peaceful Coast of Croatia

While traveling in Croatia I could not help but reflect on the tranquility and serenity of Dubrovnik. Now on the top of my goals is to be in a castle overlooking my sailboat below. Can it get any better than this?

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Sharon versus the Middle East

For those of us who have been following the events in the Middle East it is no secret the feelings of many who live in that region towards Ariel Sharon. After perusing some of the Arab news sources I came across cartoons that represent the feelings of these neighboring countries towards the Israeli president. As a religions person I have closely followed the events over the years and frequently reflect on biblical impressions/blessings regarding the area and more specifically toward the Jews. The bible says that the Jews will be blessed for their obedience and punished for disobedience and whether one likes to admit it the Jews have been both blessed and cursed throughout history.

One major event quite amazing to me was the Six day war in June 1967. It is obvious that since the US under the tutelage of Harry S. Truman supported the Jews to form their own country (giving recognition on May 15). On May 14 1948 Israel became an official state and the challenges and struggles of that preordained area continue to trouble the world. The fine line that the US dances with Israel and other Middle East countries bears resemblance to a complete deck full (of course not referring to the “most wanted Iraqi" Deck of cards) of supporters and enemies. Yet despite support of Israel the US has managed to get a stronghold in the major oil reserves within anti-Israeli countries. That is except for Iran which seems to be their next special interest. And interestingly as the time keeps ticking there is more and more feelings that Iran will be the next Middle East target. I mean look at this one small oil article that pins huge economic troubles thanks to Iran and their oil. But it is their oil and it is their choice. Why not try to trouble the Microsoft of countries!? I mean it wouldn’t surprise me if someone suddenly yelled out that Iran has nuclear bombs so let’s go to war. Wait a second…I think I’m having Déjà vu…

Monday, January 09, 2006

Yale Town and Vancouver

Recently I visited Vancouver Canada (my home city) and was once again overly impressed with the great feeling and easy going atmosphere. I spent some quality time with very good friends that live in Yale Town. Here is a picture of the view from their apartment overlooking false creek and the start of a perfect website for the Yale Town lover.

I remember returning to Vancouver after living in Hong Kong for the past year and could not believe how short and small all the buildings looking in downtown Vancouver. Perception changes when you have real live comparison. Also even at rush hour the people in Vancouver were few and far between compared to a walk around the block in Hong Kong. It could be that soon the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong will make me come back to the trendy granola city of my childhood…Vancouver.

Memoirs Of Tear Gas At The WTO Conference In Hong Kong

A slight haze settled over the crowd as dusk approached. The dull roar from the crowd penetrated the misty air as lines of police officers scattered the streets. Banners and flags fluttered in the light breeze with words of freedom, solidarity, anti-globalization and down WTO. A violent group of protesters broke through the police line and there was suddenly two gun sounds in the air. I was on the fringe of the protesters and many started running towards me with their hands over their faces. Then it hit…the swift penetrating air born monster, tear gas. It was like inhaling a thick black powder which quickly attacked the soft innocent pink areas in your chest while constricting your throat and lungs. The first thought was to run and get away as quickly as possible. Then your eyes start to water and burn and your face starts to resemble a raccoon with large round rings around your tender seeing parts. There was a sudden panic of being trampled as I felt like a wildebeest migrating and escaping the vicious predators behind. The people were still fired up and passion and anger fluttered through the molecule infested air. The police lines looked uneasy with their shield and batons, boldly wearing their gas masks with a mocking stare. This was considered the worst protest since 1967 during the Cultural Revolution. It was amazing to see hundreds of police officers standing all night patiently waiting for something more that would never be. The concessions were made and the WTO conference came to an end and people went home. Yet the formidable reality is that people who care about change and protecting the lives of the impoverished showed their colors and made their stand in hopes of a better world.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

September 11, Saddam Hussein, Osam Bin Laden, Terrorism and Keeping America Scared

For those who want a good laugh from the Repulbican Convention in 2005 just feast your eyes on this video.

Letterman Shows Bill O'Reilly How To Get whooped

It's good to see that some people (David Letterman) don't believe all the crap they are fed. I hope that the average person can also wade through the media frenzy of opinions and half truths. This video clip from onegoodmove.org clearly shows how to work with someone who is feeding you garbage. Watch the video and be sure to read the commentary. O'Reilly Clearly seemed to have an agenda. Nice job Letterman.