Tuesday, September 04, 2007


For one moment can you sit back, close your eyes and picture yourself when you were a little baby. What did you look like, what did you do and how did you smell. Then open your eyes and look that little creature up and down and scream at the top of your lungs "I did it." Yes your imagination suddenly became a reality and your little junior has been created. And he looks just like you. For those of you who have the choice having your very own little child is the best thing in the whole world. Nothing can better the choice words of..."I love you daddy!'

Friday, May 18, 2007


As I sit and contemplate,

The journey of my terrible plight,

I feel the jaws of deep despair,

And wonder if my Lord is there.

Oh how can such a rich reward,

Be thwarted by this tragic death,

That leads us all to gasp for breath-and realize,

That life itself is but a spell,

That leads to emotional hell.

But wait I hear a still small voice,

It is familiar- I hear it thrice,

It says-don't cry-don't cry-don't cry,

This life is but the wink of an eye.

I will be with you again-its true,

Our lives will touch and start anew,

How glorious then will be the day,

When i see you and you shall say,

"I love you!"

A poem by Joan Wood

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Elder Wood the Poet

It's happy but wear a frown,
The way someone dies and is forgotten in the ground,
And the symbol of their life is shown by a rock,
Placed at the head of their wooden box.
And to the atheist type the spirit and body decay,
And the living wait for their own dreadful day
When they themselves will be forgotten in the grave.
But we know better, we've seen and heard,
The steps that follow a persons' last words;
How the spirit departs and leaves his box behind,
And enters into peace, a place more divine,
Where he works and waits for the time to arrive
When the scriptures have said, "in Adam all die,
For in Christ all shall be made alive"
And thus we see that the frown
Is a weakness worn by the flesh
That quickly melts away after death
To the realization of a continued spiritual breath.
1 korinthians 15:22 By Landon Peter Wood who is currently serving a Mission in Madagascar and speaks fluent Malagasy

Friday, January 26, 2007

BMW or Banyan Tree

Have you ever wanted to own a brand new BMW? Perhaps you have always had a fetish for unique trees or special types of wood. Well I am pleased to say that through all the ranting and raving about life and the intricacies therein...our BMW is finally here! Yes that is to say that our Banyan tree has arrived safe and sound.