Thursday, September 09, 2004

Solitary Confusion

Within the confined walls of my thoughts; Endless impressions of raindrops; Cover your body with unmanageable consequences; This scene imprints my mind and embeds itself into history; Where thoughts of happier days resurface to seek fame and power. So skip happiness along the nearest lake and pretend it never sinks, Because our imaginations could never disappear. And still we persist to glow as fading lights on a mission for blackout; Dreading the moments conceived through absentmindedness; Covering every tear with four letter words; While managing to conceal reality with smiles and white teeth. But now the tortured notion of solitary confinement; Distinguishes itself in every reflection; That grins back though the polished tiles; They seem to lead my life; Square by Square by Square By Landon Wood

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Sunday, August 08, 2004

The Joy of work

There are times in life when the perpencity of progession seems to be clouded by a shrewed darkenss. The bits of light that funnel through create dillusions, distractions and uncertainties. The greater the uphoric symphony of dreams the more miss perception life seems to become. The one thing that is certain and constant seems to be the simple fact that work is joy. Those are morsels of work that create joy and change the world forever.