Monday, January 14, 2002


Well OK here's the dirt! It's on the ground and it sometimes gets between your toes and for a fleeting moment you pick it out frantically cursing under your breath at that little worm that just dug its way into you heel. Yes, this is life and feet are the main objective: callused, dirty and full of stench. they hold you, support you, get you places, move you, jump you, kick you, and when you lay down to rest at night they are there with you resting at the same time. Oh the feet of life sometime fleeting and hampering because this is what you do. Are they connected to the innermost thought and divine accusations that come but as to no result of your feet? And when you sprain those poor little devils what sort of love do they get. And a swear or two to let them know that they are weak and impossible to please. Oh how I love me feet that connect my soul with the reality beneath it. So, love your feet and feel at ease because no matter how much you spit or cough your feet will love you all the day long. Love McKay

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