Monday, March 13, 2006

Iran’s Prince Reza Pahlavi Speaks

Watch the video clip of his interview with Fox News. Keep in mind that only a few decades ago Iran was the most progressive modern society in the Middle East. They are the second leading producers of oil and are currently under scrutiny from the international community for their nuclear development programs. Price Reza Pahlavi the son of the former Shah is a very likely candidate (from the people of Iran) to become the next democratic leader. Much of his work continues to revolve around Washington in hopes to soon liberate the people of Iran from the current ruling regime.


Anonymous said...

I don't know if I would fully trust anything that is coming from FOX news. Their credibility is low and the political bias is one of the highest in the news industry. What was the statistic, somewhere over half of FOX news viewers who were polled said that WMD's were found in Iraq. Clearly, they do not tell the whole story. Not that news stations in general are very credible, but they are a joke.

McKay said...

I will agree with the fact that Fox news may not be a very reliable source. I do not watch Fox news and yet the words of Reza Pahlavi seemed to be his words and no others. This is the main reason why I posted this clip. I would however suggest that viewing only one news platform can be detrimental to seeing the whole picture. Occasionally I will test the waters and see what the more bias newscasts opinions may be. At least it gives me some amusement which is a part of what life is all about. Thanks for the comment.


Anonymous said...

I agree with McKay. Yeah, Fox is pretty biased. But Reza Pahlavi comes across as genuine.